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Apps to regulate maximum numbers of visits at tourist destinations

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To all german speaking people, here an interesting Interview about over-tourism in nature destinations and possible solutions:


Harald A. Friedl and Natascha Dockal have reacted to this post.
Harald A. FriedlNatascha Dockal

Wow, that's cool, or better: quite impressive, thanks a lot, Nico!

Natascha Dockal has reacted to this post.
Natascha Dockal

Ceterum censeo mutationem climae esse vincendem.

(Incidentally, I think that global warming must be defeated) 


Prof. (FH) Mag. Mag. Dr. Harald A. Friedl
Assoc. Professor for Sustainability and Ethics in Tourism
Institute for  Health and Tourism Management
FH JOANNEUM - University of Applied Sciences
Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Straße 24
8344 Bad Gleichenberg, Austria
Phone office +43-316/5453-6725
Phone mobil: +43-699/191.44.250


I just listened to the interview and I have to say that it is definitely very interesting and relevant.But I think that we are still further away from a really functioning solution than maybe one to three years... the comparison at the end, with the traffic jam warnings and traffic trackers - well, when I think about it, especially in Vienna, it's rather wrong for me and I'm unexpectedly in a traffic jam or I get through easier than indicated and I'm too early at the appointment. So there is also a lot of potential for optimization. And when I think about myself, for example when I go hiking, I ask myself what happens when I'm on the road without my cell phone and the WIFI tracker can't see me. Or what if I don't look for routes on the same day of my hike, but days before and thus can't see that it's busy?And what if I don't trust the technology and still follow the potential crowds trails because maybe I don't want to go into being monitored. To what extent is the guest prepared to bow to this control? definitely an exciting topic that will certainly become more important in the future, also in order to protect the environment and to control the masses, but I think that we are rather far away from a good, functioning solution...

"Be yourself the change you want to see in this world"

Natascha Dockal,BA

Student at the FH JOANNEUM in Bad Gleichenberg/Austria

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