Cheap COVID-19 Test can help Tourism? - Cheap COVID-19 Test can help Tourism? - Network - Tourist


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Cheap COVID-19 Test can help Tourism?


Hi dear people,

Cheap COVID-19 test is coming...
New COVID test will cost only $5, and runs on a simple card that uses the same technology as a pregnancy test.

What do you think, whether it can improve the situation in tourism industry? Cheaper tests will probably motivate many travelers to travel easier than before...

Abbott's Fast, $5, 15-Minute, Easy-to-Use COVID-19 Antigen Test Receives  FDA Emergency Use Authorization; Mobile App Displays Test Results to Help  Our Return to Daily Life; Ramping Production to 5... | 27.08.20 |

Adis Krdzalic

FH Joanneum

Institut für Bank und Versicherungswirtschaft

I just saw this kit first time, I didn't know about it,

it will show an accurate result? means it accuracy is correct,

it really seems a good kit for travelers, actually, not only for travelers all people, but we also can use it at home also if don't wanna go lab.

I am only waiting for its vaccination.


Few days ago, India has approved the use of a new type of fast corona test. It looks like a pregnancy test. Hopefully, gonna help us.

Austria to roll out free home coronavirus testing from March!


Adis Krdzalic

FH Joanneum

Institut für Bank und Versicherungswirtschaft

Actually we are working on a strategy to test also students in order to slowly reestablish normality at the universities. You may ask what this has to do with tourism? Well, students are the main future tourism customers. At universities, future trends are created - just look at our project. And additionally, as I am teaching "Health and Nature Tourism" students learn to develop and finally execute or test a tourism product. Last year we were not able to to that due to CoVid19. This year, tests - and vaccinations - could help...

By the way, you may be interested in this post:

Ceterum censeo mutationem climae esse vincendem.

(Incidentally, I think that global warming must be defeated) 


Prof. (FH) Mag. Mag. Dr. Harald A. Friedl
Assoc. Professor for Sustainability and Ethics in Tourism
Institute for  Health and Tourism Management
FH JOANNEUM - University of Applied Sciences
Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Straße 24
8344 Bad Gleichenberg, Austria
Phone office +43-316/5453-6725
Phone mobil: +43-699/191.44.250


Hello everyone!

From my point of view and perhaps from a more economistic perspective, a cheap test is not an advance to improve tourism demand, at the moment those people who can really afford to travel have no problem to pay for the test, however those who during the pandemic have seen their income reduced do not consider this kind of activities because of the uncertainty.

Simply put, the price of the test is not a barrier to demand in the current situation.

What do you think?

Dear Olimpia, a classic case of "Touché": Income is dramatically dropping, even though I think that many people still have some money which they have safed from unrealized holidays of last year. But as recession may apporach, people will also be more cautious with their money. A dangerous circle...
On the other hand, tests aren't sufficiant. Without vaccination, there will be no free tourism mobility...

Ceterum censeo mutationem climae esse vincendem.

(Incidentally, I think that global warming must be defeated) 


Prof. (FH) Mag. Mag. Dr. Harald A. Friedl
Assoc. Professor for Sustainability and Ethics in Tourism
Institute for  Health and Tourism Management
FH JOANNEUM - University of Applied Sciences
Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Straße 24
8344 Bad Gleichenberg, Austria
Phone office +43-316/5453-6725
Phone mobil: +43-699/191.44.250



I don't think that the problem is paying for a Covid test to be able to travel. In my opinion, many of the tourists do not travel because of two factors. Firstly, because the health system is not guaranteed in all countries, and secondly the speed with which countries can close their borders, causing tourists to not be able to return to their home countries.

I agree with you, Iza. I know about some cases where tourists got stuck in their holiday destination. So, there is stil too much unpredictability, while security in crucial in organized tourism.

Ceterum censeo mutationem climae esse vincendem.

(Incidentally, I think that global warming must be defeated) 


Prof. (FH) Mag. Mag. Dr. Harald A. Friedl
Assoc. Professor for Sustainability and Ethics in Tourism
Institute for  Health and Tourism Management
FH JOANNEUM - University of Applied Sciences
Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Straße 24
8344 Bad Gleichenberg, Austria
Phone office +43-316/5453-6725
Phone mobil: +43-699/191.44.250


When travelers know that testing is easy and inexpensive, they will feel more secure when traveling. This can help restore public confidence in the tourism industry after the severe effects aa route planner of the pandemic.