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Please be informed that 2nd TOURIST conference on Sustainable Tourism : Shaping a Better Future will be held in Bangkok on 20-21 April 2020. For more information, please visit the conference website 

Harald A. Friedl has reacted to this post.
Harald A. Friedl

Dear Nirundon,

thanks a lot for the information.

May I ask you for your advice. I would like to speak about the "Unsustainable paradoxes of e-networks about sustainability".

Here I would like to reflect conditions which would be necessary in order to make a "sustainable" network possible, or if this would be possible at all according to physical laws of energy.
I have noted some ideas here, a kind of abstract, and I would be glad to get some feedback from you, thanks a lot.


How to build a sustainable TOURIST network?

We all recognize that networking is the single most powerful marketing tactic to accelerate and sustain success of individuals, organizations and industries. The reason for its power is the fact that networks aspires to gather all those willing to contribute to the development of the tourism industry.

In theory, networks are able to link the sectors of both higher education and cultural institutions with the cultural tourism industry through the platform in order to share experiences, events, funding opportunities and new research. In this way, it opens the potential to establish firm collaboration, e.g. by students participating in the courses developed within the project. They could be able to connect to the desired institutions looking for possibilities for further research, practice, internships and job vacancies.

The practical side of the networking theory is the fact that a platform can only deliver the infrastructure in order to bring people with common interests together while the network itself is a process of permanent interaction between the network-stakeholder. This means that it needs the permanent input of energy in the form of time and attention in order to maintain the “knots” of the network. Network members are always in a dilemma of how they invest their rare resources of time and attention in the best way, while they have their regular obligations and already existing networks. To be willing to invest sufficient of their resources into the maintenance of relationships within a new network, they have to expect additional benefits – like new chances for business, new customers, or new partners in order to develop an interesting new product.

In consequence, the initiators and drivers of the networks, our TOURIST-partners, have to “nourish” permanently the members of the platform with attractive content, such as concrete projects with contents which offer the network members potential advantages. The greatest mistake would be to see the creation of the infrastructure and the invitation of potential network members as sufficient. There is no sustainability in a network, it is more comparable to an organism which needs care, nutrition and attraction in order to grow and to develop.

To be developed further...

Ceterum censeo mutationem climae esse vincendem.

(Incidentally, I think that global warming must be defeated) 


Prof. (FH) Mag. Mag. Dr. Harald A. Friedl
Assoc. Professor for Sustainability and Ethics in Tourism
Institute for  Health and Tourism Management
FH JOANNEUM - University of Applied Sciences
Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Straße 24
8344 Bad Gleichenberg, Austria
Phone office +43-316/5453-6725
Phone mobil: +43-699/191.44.250


Hello Harry, Nice to hear that you will present that topic. It sounds interetsing to me. Network is basically a sociotechnical system. Technical component as E-platform we are using now can play a role in the network as an enabler but social component is more important as a driver through soical interaction to achieve the goals.  As a teacher in management area, my basic advice to you to make the network works and sustainable is "mangement" of the network. The first thing "Network" must be seen as  " Net worth" by every parties. Direction of the network through goals and objectives in both long and short terms must be clear and agreed by everyone (perhaps the concept of sensing, sense making and sense giving can be applied) and of course along with simple but effective strategies. Then work organization, motivation, leadership  and evaluation wih feedback should be included in the guideline/approach of how to make the network work and sustainable.  Perhaps this paper "Collaborative administration: the management of successful networks" can give some ideas.

As the network is managed across culture, to understand Asian view, my paper and friends could be a bit helpful  "Ambicultural blending between Eastern and Western paradigms: Fresh perspectives for international management research".

Harald A. Friedl has reacted to this post.
Harald A. Friedl

Dear Nirundon,

thank you very much for your very valuabe advice.  I fully agree with you as you mentioned very important aspects which I will be happy to integrate in the paper.

I would be very glad to get your two mentioned papers. Would you be so nice to send it over to my, e.g. by using this network. So others also could take profit.

Thanks, and have a nice day (well, evening in Thailand ;-),

bye, Harry

Ceterum censeo mutationem climae esse vincendem.

(Incidentally, I think that global warming must be defeated) 


Prof. (FH) Mag. Mag. Dr. Harald A. Friedl
Assoc. Professor for Sustainability and Ethics in Tourism
Institute for  Health and Tourism Management
FH JOANNEUM - University of Applied Sciences
Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Straße 24
8344 Bad Gleichenberg, Austria
Phone office +43-316/5453-6725
Phone mobil: +43-699/191.44.250


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Harald A. Friedl has reacted to this post.
Harald A. Friedl

You can downlaod from these links    and

Harald A. Friedl has reacted to this post.
Harald A. Friedl

Thanks, Nirundon, that's great. A wonderful support and inspiration.

Good night, bye, Harry

Ceterum censeo mutationem climae esse vincendem.

(Incidentally, I think that global warming must be defeated) 


Prof. (FH) Mag. Mag. Dr. Harald A. Friedl
Assoc. Professor for Sustainability and Ethics in Tourism
Institute for  Health and Tourism Management
FH JOANNEUM - University of Applied Sciences
Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Straße 24
8344 Bad Gleichenberg, Austria
Phone office +43-316/5453-6725
Phone mobil: +43-699/191.44.250


The 2nd TOURIST conference on Sustainable Tourism: Shaping a Subway Crackers Better Future was scheduled for 20-21 April 2020 in Bangkok. For more information, please visit the conference website.