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How to foster small local tourism organizations?

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Nowadays, we are witnesses that small tourism players are very dependent on big tour operators. How to increase the activity of small local tourism organizations in order to foster local communities?

Best regards,


Harald A. Friedl and Annika Konttinen have reacted to this post.
Harald A. FriedlAnnika Konttinen

Adis Krdzalic

FH Joanneum

Institut für Bank und Versicherungswirtschaft

A very important topic, Adis! It is important to have both big players and smaller companies that can perhaps offer more niche products to a more targeted market. It would be good if there was more cooperation and partnerships with different size companies.

However, it may be difficult to concentrate on the small companies only as destinations should address the whole scene, also mass tourism. It would be good if all could be considered. They all play a role. Eva, Jarmo and I wrote a blog about it in the autumn. Not just CBT, but also responsible mass tourism:

Harald A. Friedl has reacted to this post.
Harald A. Friedl

I read your article and I like the idea of CBT. It is an amazing way to foster small communities and people from villages.
Of course, for developing countries, the cooperation between big and small probably should be the best mix in Tourism.

Adis Krdzalic

FH Joanneum

Institut für Bank und Versicherungswirtschaft

Interesting though, Finnish people still rely on big tour operators for their holidays and travel to mass tourism destinations in Spain, Greece and Thailand..  (see  It is only a small niche being interested in CBT type of travelling. Educating tourists is important and also DMOs should work for making it easy to buy products and services from small companies digitally.. Tourists use Google and if you have no SEO in practive small local companiesz won't be found..



Harald A. Friedl has reacted to this post.
Harald A. Friedl

Dear Eva, thanks for your idea. Educating tourists... As you probably know I have worked for more then 20 years as a tourguide, beside my studies and researches, focussing very moch on this topic. My little booklet "Respectful travelling" is one result of this approach. But what was the result?

A lot of positiv feedback about how important this issue would be, and blablabla... but when it comes to concrete decisions in order to look for a holliday offer for the familiy, immediately money counts... and things like flexibility, convenience, choise etc.

Sustainable offers are special, unique, but also (necessarily) more expensive, with less choice as there are still much less offers - and, as you say, hard to find... In consequence, it's people who have the money, who have seen already enough of the world and who dare to distinguish themselve from the mass: To do special things not anyboody else has done. This is cool, this is special, this is extraordinary BECAUSE not everybody finds it and does it...

There is the paradox of touris - according to Butler's Life Cycle - that destinations are loosing their value as soon as they are booming...
Probably we should learn about how to make products of DMOs 1. high in symbolic value for the masses, easy to find (here we are working on a project with a special app - see ) and compatibly with other needs of mass culture.

But is this really possible, attractiv AND sustainable mass culture products, or is this a contradiction?

What do you think?

Ceterum censeo mutationem climae esse vincendem.

(Incidentally, I think that global warming must be defeated) 


Prof. (FH) Mag. Mag. Dr. Harald A. Friedl
Assoc. Professor for Sustainability and Ethics in Tourism
Institute for  Health and Tourism Management
FH JOANNEUM - University of Applied Sciences
Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Straße 24
8344 Bad Gleichenberg, Austria
Phone office +43-316/5453-6725
Phone mobil: +43-699/191.44.250


Foster the services that have some organization to make the local tourism acts on this it was good to present on this. Project information that will work on it was at rushmyessay that have best writers on it having some worth among the international community to work on these projects.

Unfortunately another commercial comment to promote ghostwriting... that's really a pest... or a different form of Covid-19 😉

And as this pandemic, sure, it will pass by, and others will come... The only thing which is sustainable in this world is troubles 🙂

Ceterum censeo mutationem climae esse vincendem.

(Incidentally, I think that global warming must be defeated) 


Prof. (FH) Mag. Mag. Dr. Harald A. Friedl
Assoc. Professor for Sustainability and Ethics in Tourism
Institute for  Health and Tourism Management
FH JOANNEUM - University of Applied Sciences
Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Straße 24
8344 Bad Gleichenberg, Austria
Phone office +43-316/5453-6725
Phone mobil: +43-699/191.44.250


As it seems we are free now from commercial guests. So we could continue our discussions.

We were talking about education guests. Dear #Eva Holmberg and #Annika Konttinen, what do you think?

Ceterum censeo mutationem climae esse vincendem.

(Incidentally, I think that global warming must be defeated) 


Prof. (FH) Mag. Mag. Dr. Harald A. Friedl
Assoc. Professor for Sustainability and Ethics in Tourism
Institute for  Health and Tourism Management
FH JOANNEUM - University of Applied Sciences
Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Straße 24
8344 Bad Gleichenberg, Austria
Phone office +43-316/5453-6725
Phone mobil: +43-699/191.44.250


I think one way to help foster the smaller locally-owned tourist companies is by educating domestic and foreign tourists on the imapct their $$ have - By being moe aware, they can support these smaller players

Harald A. Friedl has reacted to this post.
Harald A. Friedl

Well, thanks for your contribution, Michael,
I always have some doubts about education when it comes to tourists. It is already difficult with pupils or students. Tell them that they should learn something, and they will ask you if you are cracy - welcome to generation z

But customers...  it is a different thing when we talk about nudges: about arrangement which "help" customers to do the right things automatically while still having the choice.
So, why not putting regional valuable things on the level of their eyes, as shops do with sweets on the eye-level of children...?


Ceterum censeo mutationem climae esse vincendem.

(Incidentally, I think that global warming must be defeated) 


Prof. (FH) Mag. Mag. Dr. Harald A. Friedl
Assoc. Professor for Sustainability and Ethics in Tourism
Institute for  Health and Tourism Management
FH JOANNEUM - University of Applied Sciences
Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Straße 24
8344 Bad Gleichenberg, Austria
Phone office +43-316/5453-6725
Phone mobil: +43-699/191.44.250


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